A.A. 2022-2023, Laurea Magistrale 2 SLLT e LCLT 2
Pagina aggiornata al 01 Settembre 2023
Dear Students,
Please contact the following people with regards to the Magistrale 2 SLLT and LCLT 2 course and exams.
Magistrale 2 SLLT: contact your Lingua course Professor.
LCLT 2: contact Prof.ssa Rosanna Maria Rossi (https://web.uniroma1.it/cla/cel/rossi-rosanna-maria)
LCLT 2 Canale C: https://meet.google.com/atm-bqpk-fpu Class code: mokqhwx
SLLT: hhttps://meet.google.com/nuz-udvi-rgb Class code: 7nuuclq
EXAMSCambio formato esame SLLT Magistrale 2 ---> CHECK THE ALLEGATI TAB BELOW
SEPTEMBER 2023 Exams
EXAM DATE: 04/09/23 @ 15.00
BOOKING FORM opne now until Monday, 28th August 2023: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DM5hKZrXe7Se-6oN-ab5o-oHLwkKHPd3sFW1xMh...
Room: TBD
Late enrolments will NOT be accepted.
Documents to be presented on the day of the exam:
- ID with photo
- Proof of having passed and verbalised Lingua Inglese I – this MUST include ALL necessary information – name ; surname, matricola, mark (voto) and date of verbalisation
For al other information please consult the Lettorato LCLT 2 classroom page (SEE ABOVE)
EXAM DATE: 8/09/2023 @ 14.00
BOOKING FORM open now until Sunday, Sept 3rd @ 12.00 midday:https://forms.gle/aHhHf4JdBRAy7m8T9
ROOM: 202 MP
Late enrolments will NOT be accepted.
Students who need to account for their attendance at this exam should print this document and bring a paper copy on the day of the exam for a lecturer to sign.
Students who need to account for their attendance at this exam should print this document and bring a paper copy on the day of the exam for a lecturer to sign.
All students must bring paper copies of the following to prove that they are eligible to take the exam:
Photo ID
Proof of having passed the previous Lingua exam for LCLT 2, LCLT 3 and Magistrale 2 students
Email from thesis advisor for graduating students (Laureandi)
Magistrale 1 students have to present proof of enrolment on Infostud in the EAAS/SLLT Master's programme.
No phones or smart watches allowed at desks.
Please note that Sapienza student documents are available at: https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina/modulistica-studenti
SLLT Magistrale II June 2023 exam - See ALLEGATI tab below VISIONE COMPITI: VISIONE COMPITI: Monday 26th June between 10.30-12.30 (email to book an appointment)
LCLT 3 -VISIONE COMPITI: See ALLEGATI tab below VISIONE COMPITI: Monday 26th June between 13-14.00 (email to book an appointment)
LCLT 2 June 2023 - See ALLEGATI tab below
Il testo per il corso di lettorato II è English File B2 Upper Intermediate, FOURTH EDITION, Oxford University Press. Copertina arancione.
Testi consigliati: English In Use, Murphy, Cambridge University Press; Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Oxford University Press.
Libro da leggere per lettorato 2 - 'Kara and the Sun' by Kazuo Ishiguro https://www.amazon.it/Klara-Sun-Kazuo-Ishiguro/dp/0593396561