EXAM RESULTS - see "allegati" | ESITI DEGLI ESAMI - vedere "allegati"
EXAM DATES AND SIGN-UP FORMS - see "Verifiche di livello linguistico" | DATE E ISCRIZIONE AGLI ESAMI - vedere "Verifiche di livello linguistico"
ORARI (in vigore dal 07/10/2024) | TIMETABLE (valid from 07/10/2024)
LCLT INGLESE III - Canale A (A-H) | MONDAY 14:00-16:00 | AULA 201 | xpamab4 (google classroom) |
LCLT INGLESE III - Canale A (A-H) | FRIDAY 14:00-16:00 | AULA 109 | xpamab4 (google classroom) |
LCLT INGLESE III - Canale B (I-Z) | MONDAY 12:00-14:00 | AULA 109 | z7e3mzs (google classroom) |
LCLT INGLESE III - Canale B (I-Z) | FRIDAY 12:00-14:00 | AULA 109 | z7e3mzs (google classroom) |
FRIDAY 16:00 - 18:00 by appointment | previa prenotazione Check the "avvisi" section | Consultare sezione "avvisi" | OFFICE 203 (stanza 203) |
Please note the following changes to LCLT3 Exam
Part 1: Discourse matching task
Part 2: An error correction task
Part 3: An essay of 300-350 words.
Part 4: An oral exam for those students who achieved ‘SUFF’ or higher will be scheduled at a later date.
Samples of the new written exam formats are provided below:
Il ricevimento non si terrà il 20/12.
Office hours will not take place on 20/12.
Durante la sessione invernale le date e gli orari del ricevimento subiranno variazioni.
During the winter exam session office hours are subject to change.
LCTL3 LANGUAGE LAB - Lessons will begin on Monday, October 7th (timetable above). The course programme is in the "allegati" section.
LCTL3 NOVEMBER EXAM - The list of students admitted to the oral part is available in the "allegati section". THE ROOM HAS CHANGED TO LABORATORIO 04 (3rd floor Marco Polo)
- If you have been admitted, please familiarise yourself with the "Oral Exam Format" (see allegati). Some sample texts are available in last year's Oral Skills Google Classroom (code: vdl3hcf)
- If you did not pass the written exam, please book a slot to review your paper on Friday, 15/11, from 17:30 (approx) by emailing me.
Verifiche di livello linguistico
LCLT3 lettorato exam January 9th 3pm, room 202, Marco Polo building, 2nd floor
Sign-up form - https://forms.gle/bATXuDn1kjuKinn26
Sign-up open until 11:59 on 02/01/2025.
LCLT3 lettorato exam February 6th 3pm; the sign-up form will be available a month before the exam date.
All students must bring the following in order to take the exam:
- Photo ID
- PRINTED Proof of having passed the previous Lingua inglese exam (Lingua inglese 2)
No phones, smart watches, or smart devices or notes of any kind are allowed on your person during the exam. Failure to comply will result in your exam being annulled.
Students who need to account for their attendance at this exam should print the Attestazione esame (see link below) and bring a paper copy for a lecturer to sign on the day of the exam.
Please note that Sapienza student documents are available at: