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Since 2002 Chiara Prosperi Porta has taught as Adjunct Professor at B.A. and M.A. levels in the Faculties of Economics, Humanities, Law and Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome. She has also been assistant researcher of English in the Faculty of Economics and has been teaching English for the Carabinieri International Cooperation Office, as well as technical English in the postgraduate course in Applied Chemistry for the Italian Military. Her interests are mainly in ESP and EAP, with particular reference to scientific discourse and genre analysis, technological genre and communication in professional/institutional settings. She has published widely on these subjects, including a book European Institutional English, Rome (2018) and “Knowledge Dissemination and Ideology in the Discourse of Securitisation and Control in the EU” in RILA vol.1-2019, Bulzoni, Rome (2019), "The discursive topicalisation of trust, ethics and ideology in European security issues" in Lingue & Linguaggi special issue vol.42-2021, Università del Salento, Lecce (2021).






    Classes II semester 2023:

    Monday 12-14 auletta A Faculty of Economics

    Tuesday 10-12 laboratorio Amato, sala lettura

    tuesday  12-14 laboratorio Amato, sala lettura

    Wednesday12-14 auletta B Faculty of Economics, 4° piano

    office hours : Monday 11-12 and 14-15 room 444 memotef, 4° piano




    1.“Multimodal Inclusiveness in Museum Discourse”, 2021 (working paper).

    2. “The discursive topicalisation of trust, ethics and ideology in European security issues”, 2021 (Lingue & Linguaggi, vol.42).

    3. “Discursive strategies in topicalising economic performance: the representation of ideologies and ethics in institutional financial knowledge”, 2021 (working paper).

    4. “ Top-to-top‟ Communication: from research to dissemination in the discourse of immunology and virology, 2021 (working paper).

    5. ”Knowledge Dissemination and Ideology in the Discourse of Securitisation and Control in the EU”, RILA, Bulzoni, Roma 2019, pp.139-153, ISSN 0033-9725.

    6. “Comparative Mechanisms and Relations in the Dissemination of Institution-centred Financial Knowledge”, in M. Bondi, S. Cacchiani, S. Cavalieri (eds) Communicating Specialised Knowledge: Old Genres and New Media, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019, pp.70-87, ISBN 1-5275-3168-6.

    7. European Institutional English. Rome, UniversItalia 2018, ISBN 978-88-3293-107-5.

    8. “Knowledge Transfer, Trust and Ideologies in Public Financial Reporting”, in R. Salvi, J. Turnbull (eds) The Discursive Construal of Trust in the Dynamics of Knowledge Diffusion, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017, pp.206-228, ISBN 978-1-4438-43157.

    9. “On the State of Public Health: Discourse and Sharing Practices in Annual Medical Reports”, in R. Salvi, J. Bowker (eds) The Dissemination of Contemporary Knowledge in English, Linguistic Insights vol.199, Bern, Peter Lang 2015, pp.99-120, ISBN 978-3-0343-1679-8.

    10. “Analysing discourse in research genre: the case of biostatistics”, in J. Bamford, S. Cavalieri, G. Diani (eds) Variation and Change in Spoken and Written Discourse, Dialogue Studies 21, Amsterdam, John Benjamins 2013, pp. 203-220, ISBN 978-90-272-1038-8.

    11. “Unity in Diversity”: The shaping of identities in the annual reports of the ECB and EU member states’ central banks”, in R. Salvi, J. Bowker (eds) Space, Time and the Construction of Identity, Linguistic Insights vol.166, Bern, Peter Lang 2013, pp.91-118, ISBN 978-3-0343-1254-7.

    12. “The metaphor of illness and health in economics”, in G. Di Martino, L. Lombardo, S. Nuccorini (eds) Papers from the 24th AIA Conference,Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions, vol. 2, Edizioni Q, Roma 2011, pp.321-331, ISBN 978-88-903969-8-4.

    13. “Bringing the world to the classroom: websites and what they can teach”, in Atti del workshop “Dall‟aula multimediale all‟e-learning”, RILA, Bulzoni, Roma 2010, pp. 184-188, ISSN 0033-9725.

    14. “La contrastività negli atti normativi e preparatori dell’UE in materia di occupazione”, in P. Sandulli e M. Faioli (eds.) Quaderni Levi Sandri 2010, Attività transnazionali, Sapere giuridico e scienza della traduzione, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma 2010, pp.419-433, ISBN 978-88-6134-455-6.

    15. “A pan-European culture? Communication policy’s effectiveness in the EU”, in Atti delle seconde giornate dei diritti linguistici, Aracne, Roma 2010, pp. 259-272, ISBN 978-88-548-3239-8.

    16. “Towards Sustainable European Integration”, in L‟insegnamento delle lingue in Italia in relazione alla politica linguistica dell‟Unione Europea, working Paper 59/2009 del Dipartimento di Studi Geoeconomici, Linguistici, Statistici e Storici per l’analisi regionale, archiviato nel data base della biblioteca del CNR in deposito legale digitale con codice 643BC2009, Roma 2009:, , pp. 48-56, ISSN 2239-608X.

    17. “Gli aforismi nel discorso economico”, in L‟Europa dei Proverbi, Critica del Testo vol. XI/ 1-2, Viella , Roma 2008, pp. 375-390, ISBN 978-88-8334-431-2.

    18. “The Language of Biostatistics”, in Demografia e Statistica: un ricordo di Enzo Lombardo tra scienza e cultura, Tipar, Roma 2007, pp.313-330.

    19. “The socio-economic effects of the Grand Tour in Italy: a comparison of past and present itineraries”, in Annali del Dipartimento di Studi Geoeconomici, Linguistici, Statistici, Storici per l‟analisi regionale della Facoltà di Economia 2005, Pàtron, Bologna 2007, pp.259-276.

    20. “Neologismi, Marketing linguistico e problemi di traduzione”, in Annali del Dipartimento di Studi Geoeconomici, Linguistici, Statistici, Storici per l‟analisi regionale della Facoltà di Economia 2003-2004, Pàtron, Bologna 2004, pp.351-364.