A.A 2024-2025
EXAMS for lettorato 1 LCLT and lettorato 1 MIL will take place on Monday 13th of January 2025. The LCLT exam will start at 10 am while the MLI exam will begin at 14.00. The Google Registration Form for booking the LCLT exam is currently available on Rosanna Maria Rossi's webpage in the 'allegati' section; please complete the Google Registration Form provided below if you wish to enrol for the MLI exam on January 13th at 14.00.
Verifiche di livello linguistico
Esame lettorato Inglese (MLI) Primo Anno Triennale -Mediazione Linguistica Interculturale. Sessione ordinaria del 13/01/25 in aula 203 alle ore 14.00. Iscrizioni tramite Google form entro il 06/01/2025.